Meet the Maker Tyler Speegle & Emilio Meza
from Learn Stash

30/01/22 | Interview by Stuart Goulden

Photo of
                    Tyler Speegle & Emilio Meza
Learn Stash is a self-growth platform with 1,000 members committed to getting 1% better every day. It’s a curated collection of bite-sized lessons and tried-and-tested books, apps, and podcasts that members can dip in and out of to clarify their goals and keep them on track. As one of their lifelong learners, the opportunity to go behind the scenes of the thriving membership site was too good to miss. Emilio Meza and Tyler Speegle kindly share their grand vision for Learn Stash, why being self-proclaimed “personal growth geeks” helps them to keep the community motivated and active, and the tools that have powered the platform’s success to date.

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  1. Hi Tyler & Emilio, can you introduce yourselves and your backgrounds…

    Tyler here! My background is in writing, content marketing, and online courses. I started a blog ( in 2014 and a few years later launched some Udemy content writing courses where I now have over 150K students enrolled. I’ve always been passionate about teaching and personal development, so getting to use both of those passions to create Learn Stash with one of my best friends has been super rewarding!

    And I’m Emilio! I’m a UX designer with a deep passion for digital marketing. I’ve been helping people build their personal brands, organizations, and businesses for over 12 years. It’s incredibly rewarding to help someone’s vision come to life, but playing a part in helping someone deepen their purpose and achieve their goals has been an incredible joy.

  2. How would you describe Learn Stash?

    Learn Stash is a place for lifelong learners to connect with each other, learn about new tools, and get inspired to prioritize their personal growth.

Learn Stash interview with founders
  1. Who is the average Learn Stash member? What do you hope they’ll get out of it?

    Our members are motivated, goal-oriented individuals who are passionate about their personal and professional development. Our primary goal is to inspire members to prioritize their growth and simply get 1% better every day. Whether it’s taking our courses, connecting with other members, or trying out new tools from our curated Collections, we want to equip members with everything they need to grow.

"Our primary goal is to inspire members to prioritize their growth and simply get 1% better every day."

- Tyler Speegle & Emilio Meza
  1. Most people have self-growth ambitions. The intent is there, but how do you help them to stay active learners? Are there any techniques you’ve borrowed from the mini-courses?

    Staying active is certainly a challenge. One of the ways we help members is by challenging them to identify people they want to be better for and keep those people in mind as they pursue their goals. Most of the time we tend to focus on “what” we’re learning (a skill, a method, etc.) rather than “why” we’re learning it (to impact someone with our work, create a better life for our family, make someone proud, etc.) As a bonus, we also have “unlockable” rewards to incentivize progress made inside of our courses.

  2. I’m a big fan of Learn Stash’s curated Collections (e.g. How to Build Healthy Habits). How do find the time to test all the products, books and courses?

    We’re both self-proclaimed personal growth geeks — so that definitely helps :) But we also approach testing with a focus on taste versus time. Our goal is to reveal what’s truly helpful about each tool rather than spending a certain amount of time on using it. We realize that everyone has different needs and preferences, so the most helpful thing we can do is test tons of tools and then recommend the ones we feel like our audience would appreciate. We also hand select top tools and score them with what we call our PGS system. These “verified tools” are the books, apps, & podcasts we recommend the most to anyone looking to improve their life.

  3. How have you attracted new members?

    Our weekly Level Up Digest newsletter and Twitter have been our two greatest avenues for attracting new members. Helping people discover new books and podcasts has resulted in thousands of new followers and subscribers.

"Helping people discover new books and podcasts has resulted in thousands of new followers and subscribers."

- Tyler Speegle & Emilio Meza
  1. Is there anything that’s surprised you on the journey so far?

    We’ve been pleasantly surprised with just how positive and encouraging all of our members have been to us and to each other. There’s plenty of work involved with managing a community, but it’s been extremely rewarding.

  2. You come across as incredibly ambitious and focused individuals. What’s the ultimate vision for Learn Stash and what needs to happen to get there?

    We want Learn Stash to become a well-known, trusted name within personal development. As we grow our membership, we would love to start matching members with similar goals and creating accountability. To scale our membership, we’re investing a lot of time this year into creating both free and paid content in order to reach new audiences.

"As we grow our membership, we would love to start matching members with similar goals and creating accountability."

- Tyler Speegle & Emilio Meza
  1. What’s been the biggest revelations on your own learning journey?

    One of my biggest revelations in my personal journey is the importance of having a clear plan. Whether it’s your personal growth, marketing, or business — having clarity is key.

  2. What’s in store for Learn Stash in 2022?

    We’re working on a new productivity course for our members, a new podcast, and some new content teaching the ins & outs of our Purpose Circle growth plan.

  3. What would be your top tips for others looking to build a membership-based business?

    Our #1 tip for building a membership-based business is to never underestimate the power of personally connecting with your members. We’ve learned so much through doing this and it’s helped us better serve our members by hearing directly from them as they engage with our content and community.

  4. And finally, what are your top 3 marketing tools you’d recommend to others?

    Circle is the foundation of our membership community and we’re big fans of this platform. Ahrefs is our SEO tool of choice and we recommend it to anyone trying to reach new people with both paid and organic search. And lastly, we’ve been really happy with the success we’ve had with a lead gen quiz-maker tool called

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